Vintage Button for Canadian Union of Postal Workers Your Service Our Jobs, Oppose Privatization.
The Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW; French: Syndicat des travailleurs et travailleuses des postes [STTP]) is a public-sector trade union representing postal workers including letter carriers, rural and suburban mail carriers, postal clerks, mail handlers and dispatchers, technicians, mechanics and electricians employed at Canada Post as well as private sector workers outside Canada Post. Currently, comprising upwards of 50,000 members, the Canadian Union of Postal Workers has historically been labeled as militant because of some of the actions undertaken since its inception in 1965 to help guarantee rights to all postal workers. According to former president Jean-Claude Parrot, "We succeeded to get the support of the membership because we earned our credibility with them...we got that reputation [of militancy] because we earned it."
Measures about 2 1/4" across
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