Everyone is hunkering down to wait out the Covid virus, us included. We decided Monday the 16th of March that it is time to close the doors and switch to online sales only with the option for local customers to pick up orders by appointment.
What we've been finding is that the streets are fairly empty anyway and our time would be better spent improving the shop than gabbing with the odd customer about how everything is closed, while continuing to potentially expose ourselves and others.

Now for some exciting news!
We're adding tons more stuff to our online shop every day that we're closed, and not only vintage. You'll now find lots of handmade goodness that you can browse while stuck at home including craft kits, jewellery, and more!

We're also offering free shipping on any small items within Canada, and local customers can arrange to pick up their orders in store or we'll deliver to you!
We can still have fun even under orders for social distancing. Keep up to date on your favourite vintage shop by following along with us on instagram @the.handwork.dept